Connect – make the internet real
Jugendkulturhaus Dynamo, 2019
Group exhibition organisation, communication, graphic design, digital canvasses and vinyl foil on the fassade of the main building, september 2019. The cultural space Dynamo was reconstructed by Kaufmann & Widrig the year 2015; its facade has got very characteristic white lines on some walls, which strongly remind me of a web. The art intervention on the front walls with temporary vinyl foil collages aimed to represent the worldwide web pop culture on a big scale: the illustrations were vivid, colorful, optimistic and somethimes ironic or sarcastic. The event took place during a long weekend with a lot of visitors and resonance. Participant artists: C-line Art, Dru Egg, Mai Mizuneko, Mikoee, Linus Scherer, Paul Kim, Nierika, Ed. del Pubis (Bcn) & Silvia Gallart